In 2013, give yourself the gift of wisdom and use those bookstore gift cards to get something that your whole family will benefit from – and remember, as you stock your library, that parenting is not a science – it’s an art. – Happy Holidays from WISE Mind Solutions
Here are my three (current) favorite:
This book by Elisa Medhus, parent of five and eternal optimist, focuses on the impact of raising children to be realistic problem solvers, internally-directed by their own reasoning and moral compass. It offers lots of examples and practical strategies to apply right now to change the course of your family! This is super important in our world where external directions, such as tv, the internet, Facebook and YouTube present an all-you-can eat buffet of messages!
The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Seigel, M.D.
This book, by fellow “brain geek” Dan Siegel, offers a reader-friendly guide to fostering your child’s emotional intelligence. The examples and strategies offer tips you can use right away in everyday situations to help your child understand their brain and to learn the power of integration. You will love this book if you are trying to figure out some of the “whys” behind your child’s behaviors.
This book by John Gottman, a family-dynamic expert, equips parents with a five-step emotion process that teaches kids to understand and regulate their emotional world. This process allows for both teaching and modeling so that your child is getting positive coaching from all sides! This book is especially powerful if your child has encountered bullying or demonstrates a desire to be a “peace maker” among their peer group.